Clarify Your Hope This Election Day

When I visited Israel, I went to the ruins of Meggido, a fortress city that guards the most important ancient trade route of the Fertile Crescent known as the Via Maris. Meggido is not a natural mountain but a hill formed by many generations that lived and rebuilt on the same spot. At least 8 levels of habitation have been discovered. Each level represents an entire civilization that lasted hundreds, even thousands, of years. Like America, these civilizations faced challenges and hoped for a better future. Their ruins put things into perspective for me, especially on election day.

This will be the seventh time I cast a vote for the leader of our nation. Like the previous times, this election has been characterized as the most important one of our generation. That may be the case, but experience warns me to doubt it. History shows that even if this election is that important; much can be undone and forgotten. Like the great civilizations at Meggido, our civilization will be remembered as one very interesting layer of rubble and ash. Of course, this should not keep us from staying involved in our political system, but it should cause us to reconsider the nature of the hope we place in it.

To be clear, I really care about our nation and my children’s future. I confess that it’s easy for me to get caught up in all the hoopla of the 2016 election. My natural inclinations lead me to suspect that the most important thing happening on November 8th will take place in voting booths. But the more I study God’s Word, the more I am convinced that is not the case. Voting is important, but nothing compares to the lasting influence of those who seek God’s kingdom.

Jesus clarified that his kingdom would advance through spiritual power, not political force. He told the Roman governor Pontus Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews…You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world — to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” (John 18:36-37)

Pilate responded like the typical politician, “What is truth?” Truth was negotiable for him. Even though Rome would wield its power against Jesus and his followers, eventually Christianity would overwhelm the entire Empire; not through military might but through spreading the truth about Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. It only took Christians 300 years to totally change the Roman Empire from within.

The Bible has always taught us to place our greatest trust in God, not politics. My personal experience is finally catching up to the Bible’s perspective. So, let’s view this election cycle with the eyes of faith and worry less about political outcomes. Whether the candidate we vote for wins or looses, the greatest thing God is accomplishing in our day won’t be limited by election results. The best work of God will continue, often invisibly, as His people live and pray as Jesus showed us —  “Our Father in Heaven, Holy Be Your Name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

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How Much Hope Should Christians Place in Politics?

Politicians are changing the world: redefining marriage, reordering the medical system, reforming civil liberties and reframing religious freedom. Candidates from both sides of the isle promise utopia whether that means changing America or restoring America. Pundits proclaim the 2016 election will be the most important in their lifetime, echoing sentiments heard every previous election.

But, how much hope should Christians place in politicians?

Currently the front runner for republicans is a buffoon and the front runner for democrats is unscrupulous. It reminds me of a famous quip by George Bernard Shaw, “The problem with political jokes is that they get elected.” 

TRUMP Obama Poster

Its remarkable that when God came to earth, he steered clear of politics. He was born in a stable, not a palace. He grew up in a low class town called Nazareth not an urban professional capital. He worked as a carpenter until he was 30 and never pursued political office. Jesus never called for a political revolution; never picketed; never organized an occupy movement; never demanded that the state intervene to redistribute wealth; and never assembled a militia.

Jesus avoided confrontations with political leaders until the last week of his life. When he entered Jerusalem he took the label Son of David, the title for the promised king of Israel, but clarified that his kingdom what not political — not of this world. When Sanhedrin spies tried to trick Jesus into voicing a seditious remark, Jesus instead replied, “Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” (Luke 20:25). At his arrest in Gethsemane Jesus rebuked Peter for striking a temple guard and said, “Put away your sword. Everyone who lives by the sword dies by the sword.” (Matthew 26:52)

Jesus was acutely aware of the political firestorms raging around Jerusalem, but he largely avoided them. Instead he focused on people’s deepest needs — repentance for the forgiveness of sins, resurrection hope and God’s transforming love.

Jesus downplayed politics, yet he terrified politicians. The threat Jesus posed united opposing political factions to support his crucifixion. Those who condemned him to death consisted of: religious conservatives (Pharisees), religious liberals (Sadducees) and secular opportunists (Herod, Pilate).

Political leaders, then as now, saw themselves as the real agents of hope and change. Not one politician suspected they would be forgotten before Jesus. Certainly no one imagined the world would one day date time after him! Jesus and his followers were underestimated at every turn. That pattern continued throughout history. It continues today.

Jesus said His followers would have unparalleled influence, “You are the salt of the earth…You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:13-14). History proved, time and again, Jesus was right about his followers. Space doesn’t allow me to expand but Christianity overran the Roman Empire within 350 years because Christians offered more rights to women and a better welfare system than the state. Christians remained in cities to nurse the sick and dying during the great plagues while pagans fled for safety. Their belief in the resurrection gave them courage to risk their lives when others refused. No wonder people flocked to the church.

In the 1800s Christians used the political system to bring an end to the slave trade across the English Empire. Eric Metaxes writes, “It was devout Christians almost exclusively who were concerned with helping the poor, bringing them education and acting as their advocates, and who labored to end the slave trade, among other evils. But so successful would Wilberforce and these other Christians be…[that] this attitude would become culturally mainstream.” (Amazing Grace, p.64)

Political leaders will continue to boast about their ability to right wrongs and establish a perfect order. But the Bible warns us not to bank on them (1 Samuel 8).  Jesus encourages us to place greater trust in what everyday people, transformed by His grace, can do over the long haul.

Knowing Jesus changes everything. Knowing His love empowers you to forgive others, serve your community, and give generously. Knowing Jesus’ wisdom changes the way you lead in the marketplace, parent at home, and fight injustice. Knowing His graces enables you to resolve conflict, endure hardship, and love “the other”.

If you are looking for a place to park your hope this election season, look to the gospel of Jesus and the promises of God.

Political power simply is not as enduring as gospel power. Political power is outside-in and coercive. It burns bright and hot and then it burns out. But gospel power is inside-out and transforming. It starts small and over time spreads like wildfire.

Make the gospel your hope this election season. Whether your candidate wins or looses; and especially if you don’t have one.